I just spent two weeks in France filming a new video about how to write scripts FASTER.
It was pretty fun, I guess 👀
But the biggest revelation I had while filming led to me tweaking my scriptwriting format in a small but powerful way.
Here’s a quick extract from the final script:
Today, I want to explain what’s going on with this format, and why I think you’ll find it incredibly useful when filming your next video.
The best way of explaining why this is so powerful is to break down the purpose of each column:
Column #1: Phase
Easily label the “setup” phase, the “tension” phase, and the “payoff” phase.
Setup and payoff phases should usually be 2-3 sentences max. See this article for some examples of setups and payoffs in action.
Tension phases will usually be much longer… this is where you’re building to the payoff, so you want to keep viewers in suspense
A brief glance at this column will indicate whether your phases are an appropriate length - e.g. Are my setups and payoffs taking too much time? Are my tension segments actually long enough… to create tension?!
Column #2: Script
I’ve always been a fan of the “Spreadsheet” format. But while filming this video, I reformatted the script so every sentence had its own row.
This meant I could be incredibly precise with editing direction and B-Roll notes specific to each moment:
But do this after the script is written. As you can see below, I wrote multiple sentences per row in V1 to avoid breaking my writing flow:
Additionally, before shooting anything, I colour-coded the script.
Voiceover = highlighted green
A-Roll = highlighted yellow, then re-highlighted pink as I checked off filming each line.
Column #3: Notes
For editing direction, B-Roll suggestions, and text.
I used the same colour coding system as before, too. Once I filmed a piece of B-Roll, I'd highlight it pink.
This made preparing to film way easier and kept me on top of which additional shots I still needed to film.
You'll notice that, by the end, every single row included pink-highlighted text... which indicates I'd filmed either a piece of A-Roll or B-Roll for every single line.
Formatting your scripts like this is easy in either Notion or Google Sheets 💻
That's all for this week.
Speak soon, George 👋
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