Business of Scriptwriting

My (upgraded) 2024 scriptwriting system

June 26th, 2024



min read

I know I'm technically supposed to be on a newsletter hiatus this month...

But I wanted to let you know about something cool.

The reason I'm taking a few weeks off is because I've been completely revamping my scriptwriting system, The YouTube Scriptwriter's Playbook.

Some of the new content in V2 will honestly be game-changing for how I write YouTube scripts... and I think it could be for you too.

Here's what's coming...

With over 300 students inside the YouTube Scriptwriter's Playbook, I was absolutely spoiled when I asked for feedback on the course:

I had so much amazing feedback from everyone, and implementing it has been super exciting.

Overall, I had some big realisations about V1:

  • I overintellectualized a lot of stuff - I thought making things "sound clever" was how I should create value ๐Ÿ˜†
    • So the focus of V2 is to simplify everything, use more visual aids, etc.
  • I assumed everyone had TIME to write word-for-word scripts. But a lot of students asked for best practices when time is limited.
    • So V2 has a big focus on this (with a TONNE of new cheatsheets to make life 10x easier).
  • Many lessons made sense "in theory", but were sometimes hard to apply.
    • In V2, I've added a bunch of practical exercises to help students hone specific skills (rather than having to apply EVERYTHING to a working script).

But this is just the beginning. I've made some huge changes to YTSP and I cannot wait to share it all soon!

Existing students get all this for free.

Once you've made the investment in YTSP, any future updates are yours automatically.

More details to come, but I can confidently say now is the most cost-effective time to dive into my complete scriptwriting system, if it's something you've been considering - you can learn more about it here.

Then YTSP V2 will launch in July... so keep your eyes peeled ๐Ÿ‘€

That's all for now!

I'll be making some more noise about this in July, so remember to opt out of further YTSP updates if you'd rather not hear any more about it - you'll stay signed up to the newsletter.

Any questions, just let me know!

Speak soon,
George ๐Ÿ‘‹


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